Veterans HealthWhat is Mind Over Matter and Can it Lead...

What is Mind Over Matter and Can it Lead to A Better Life for Veterans?


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The concept of mind over matter deeply resonates with veterans when they return from service. Many individuals have heard this phrase, but have you ever stopped to think about what it actually means? It’s the idea that your mental strength can influence your physical reality. So, in essence, it’s all about harnessing the power of our minds to push through even when we don’t feel like it.

Open mindedness goes hand-in-hand with mind of matter; it’s about exploring new ideas, perspectives, and experiences. But you have to ALLOW it. For veterans, this can be an absolute game changer as it can lead to greater personal growth and even resilience. Let’s dive deeper into all these concepts and explore how they can empower you!

What is Mind Over Matter

Person climbing a mountain with a sunset in the background // Healthier Veterans Today

The concept of mind of matter plays an important role in our lives. It shapes our experiences and how we tackle challenges. But what is the history behind it all, and what happens psychologically? Take a look down below!

The History

The rich history behind “mind over matter” is associated with three things: philosophy, psychology, and spirituality. For centuries, it has been referred to as the power of the mind and can be traced back to 1863. Sir Charles Lyell talked about how the power of the mind has gradually gained control over the physical world in the book “Principles of Geology”. Today, we have a deeper understanding of what the mind can do, which can be connected to occupations like the armed forces. 

Psychological Perspective

The way people perceive something has a lot to do with overcoming challenges. If you are feeling tired in the middle of an operation, your mind will have to carry you. Now, what does that mean? You’ll have to remind yourself how important it is for you to carry on. Additionally, you’ll have to buy whatever you are selling. For instance, “Hey, I’ve trained for this”. This way of thinking allows us to achieve not only better health outcomes but also greater resilience. 

Real-Life Examples

Veterans who have left the service have left this kind of life behind, but there are other battles that they need to fight.

It can include the following:

  • PTSD
  • Physical injuries
  • The stresses of reintegration into civilian life

This positive mindset enables veterans to overcome these issues. It’s not easy, but it’s possible!

The Role of Open Mindedness in Strength

Group doing yoga in a bamboo themed room // Healthier Veterans Today

Open mindedness is categorized by the willingness to consider new ideas and perspectives, but it’s much more than that. It’s about creating the space for growth. Veterans who adopt this mindset have been able to embrace uncertainty and not let the fear of it all cribble them. 

This openness has wonderful benefits which range from improved relationships to living a more fulfilling life. This can be a powerful tool for veterans who transition back to civilian life. Not the complexities of reintegration but experiences will be more enriching.

Strategies for a Stronger and Healthier Life

Closeup of notebook that has goals written down in blue and black, also a note that says “make it happen” // Healthier Veterans Today

The two powerful principles, mind over matter and open mindedness, are deeply connected and can improve one’s quality of life. By mastering both of them, you can build mental resilience while remaining open to growth and new possibilities.

Here are 7 things you can do: 

  1. Set Powerful Goals: Defining clear and meaningful objects can help you keep going in challenging times. A strong “why” has been shown to push through fatigue and mental barriers.
  2. Practice Mental Flexibility: It’s vital to be committed to your goals but be open to change. This allows individuals to find creative solutions to issues.
  3. Develop Mindfulness: Meditation and deep breathing can help to stay calm and focused in situations which helps in stressful situations and even builds mental resilience. The American Psychological Association (APA) says that can positively affect our brain and biology. 
  4. Explore Different Perspectives: Expanding your understanding by engaging with new ideas and other people’s experiences can help you grow and adapt.
  5. Break Through Discomfort: Getting out of your comfort zone is one of the best things that you can do. According to Real Simple, it can help with the unpredictability of life, which veterans often struggle with.
  6. Keep Learning: There is always room for growth. Always seek to learn and improve as this open-minded technique develops individuals personally and helps them overcome obstacles. 
  7. Have a Positive Attitude: Positive self-talk has numerous benefits. Healthdirect says that it not only improves self-esteem and well-being but also aids in stress management, which can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety


Person climbing a mountain with a sunset in the background // Healthier Veterans Today

Mind over matter is an incredibly powerful concept that highlights how crucial your mental strength is in overcoming challenges. As for open mindedness, it can foster a sense of confidence after service by cultivating resilience, adapting, and gaining strength. Isn’t it wonderful what our minds are capable of?

Healthier Veterans Today encourages individuals who transition to civilian life to work this philosophy – there is power in shaping your mindset. There are no limits to what you can achieve, remember that!


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