Veterans Health

Why Every Veteran Should Try a Yoga Workout After Service

Veterans don’t typically plan on hopping in for a quick yoga workout after just enduring what some would like to call - hell. The...

How Holiday Loneliness Really Affects Veterans

The holiday season is usually painted as this cheerful time filled with family get-togethers and festive fun. But for many veterans, it can feel...

Posttraumatic Growth: How Veterans Can Thrive After Trauma

Trauma can completely change your life, but not always for the worst. Veterans who have experienced life-threatening situations during the military can lead to...

10 Diabetic Desserts for Veterans: Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Safely

Most individuals think that having diabetes means that you can’t enjoy desserts anymore. But that’s not entirely true. There are ways in which individuals...

Comprehensive Pain Management: Can Chocolate and Laughter Really Help?

Managing chronic pain can be extremely challenging for veterans. Traditional methods like medication and therapy are effective, but there has been a growing interest...

A Dietitian’s Guide to Veteran Health: Nutrition Strategies for a Stronger Future

Veterans face unique challenges because of their demanding service and post-military life. Some dietitians have dedicated their careers to helping individuals rebuild their health...

What is Mind Over Matter and Can it Lead to A Better Life for Veterans?

The concept of mind over matter deeply resonates with veterans when they return from service. Many individuals have heard this phrase, but have you...

Health Administration: A Veteran’s Guide to Navigating the System

Navigating the health administration system is a combination between feelings of frustration because of long wait times and confusion due to paperwork for veterans....

Latest news

Why Every Veteran Should Try a Yoga Workout After Service

Veterans don’t typically plan on hopping in for a quick yoga workout after just enduring what some would like...
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How Holiday Loneliness Really Affects Veterans

The holiday season is usually painted as this cheerful time filled with family get-togethers and festive fun. But for...

Posttraumatic Growth: How Veterans Can Thrive After Trauma

Trauma can completely change your life, but not always for the worst. Veterans who have experienced life-threatening situations during...

Must read

Why Every Veteran Should Try a Yoga Workout After Service

Veterans don’t typically plan on hopping in for a...

How Holiday Loneliness Really Affects Veterans

The holiday season is usually painted as this cheerful...
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