Home Veterans Health Comprehensive Pain Management: Can Chocolate and Laughter Really Help?

Comprehensive Pain Management: Can Chocolate and Laughter Really Help?

Comprehensive Pain Management: Can Chocolate and Laughter Really Help? // Healthier Veterans Today

Managing chronic pain can be extremely challenging for veterans. Traditional methods like medication and therapy are effective, but there has been a growing interest in a more enjoyable approach – like laughter and even chocolates. Now the question is, could these simple pleasures really relieve pain? 

If you want to know the answer, this article is for you. It explores comprehensive pain management with a bit of a twist and whether it’s something worth trying. Let’s get started!

Understanding Comprehensive Pain Management

Medical professional examining a man's knee // Healthier Veterans Today

Comprehensive pain management is the use of multiple strategies to reduce and control pain. This can range from physical therapy to alternative treatments like mindfulness, with the end goal of addressing the many factors causing the chronic pain

Today, individuals are trying less conventional methods like laughter and chocolate for pain relief. Yes, that’s right! Now, let’s take a look at these fun options that could possibly be the next best thing for your unending pain. 

Chocolate for Pain Management

Up close of a piece of chocolate // Healthier Veterans Today

Ever heard of “chocolate makes everything better”? Well, in terms of pain, that could be true. However, you should opt for dark chocolate as its properties can alleviate discomfort in a number of ways. 

They are:

  1. Endorphin Release: When you are eating chocolate, it triggers the release of endorphins. But what does that really mean? It’s the brain’s natural painkiller because the chemicals make you feel good and distract you.
  2. Boosting Serotonin: Dark chocolate boosts an individual’s serotonin levels, which not only improves mood but also reduces the perception of pain. This can impact how one experiences discomfort. 
  3. Anti-inflammatory Properties: Dark chocolate’s antioxidants have some anti-inflammatory effects. They have been shown to reduce pain linked to inflammation, which can include conditions like arthritis.

While chocolate can be beneficial, too much may lead to weight gain or sugar spikes, which can affect individuals’ well-being. In addition to eating in moderation, stick to high-quality dark chocolate that has at least 70% cacao. 

Laughter as Pain Management

Man laughing // Healthier Veterans Today

Before you start laughing just about the topic, you have to know about the studies that have been conducted. Studies show that both laughter and humor increase your pain tolerance. A study was published in 1998 in which 200 participants were exposed to a painful cold pressor test. But this was only done after watching a film. Those who watched a humours film showed a significant increase in pain tolerance after 30 minutes. Isn’t that incredible? 

Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

  • Releases Endorphins: This works just like chocolates. It distracts you from the pain you are feeling. The more you laugh, the more these natural pain relievers flood your system. 
  • Reduces Stress Hormones: Laughing decreases stress hormones, like cortisol. So naturally, it eases muscle tension and makes the body more relaxed, reducing physical pain. 
  • Promotes Relaxation: This incredible medicine can lower your heart rate and even blood pressure, which can last up to 45 minutes after laughing. This gives your body a much-needed break from tension and pain. 
  • Improves Mental Health: When you laugh, how you perceive pain and cope with pain changes. Ultimately, it means the happier you are, the easier it is to manage pain. 

So, if you are a veteran, taking it one day at a time after returning from the service and watching a few of the best comedies until your stomach hurts  – isn’t a bad thing. In fact, it’s probably one of the best things you can do for yourself. Think of it like therapy, something prescribed by a doctor. 

Easy Ways to Add Chocolate to Your Day

Group of individuals doing laughter yoga // Healthier Veterans Today

There are plenty of ways that veterans can include sweets and laughter into their day. Here are some great options:

  • Eat chocolate as a snack
  • Watch a funny clip or movie
  • Share some jokes with friends
  • Bake something with dark chocolate in it

Another great idea is laughter yoga. It might sound silly, but it has some great benefits, like boosting endorphins, reducing stress, improving oxygen intake and strengthening the immune system.

It was developed in 1955 and is quite simple. Laughter is simulated in group sessions by playful activities and exercises, which then leads to genuine laughter. A little fun fact is that the body cannot differentiate between fake and real laughter. This means that both trigger a positive response physiologically and psychologically. 


Can laughter and pain be used to ease pain? Science says yes. So, veterans can now add these two to their routine to improve their well-being and even quality of life. Whoever said that life should be taken more seriously obviously didn’t know much about these healing powers. 

Comprehensive pain management doesn’t have to consist of just surgeries, medicine and therapy – it can include the things you love, like chocolate and laughter. This makes the journey more enjoyable. 

Here is to delicious chocolates, being happier and pain-free!



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