Tech & Gear

Must-Know Facts About The Combat Action Badge

The Combat Action Badge (CAB) is much more than just an award. It’s a symbol of their dedication, courage and even resilience, specially made...

Physical Check Up Checklist: Why Annual Exams are Important

Veterans experience a number of challenges during their service, which affect their physical and mental health. Annual and physical check ups play a crucial...

Effective Rehabilitation: Strengthening Your Recovery with Core Physical Therapy and Aide Support

Veterans have their share of issues like trauma, PTSD, chronic pain, and age-related conditions. But core physical therapy can help with recovery!  Want to know...

Flying Through History: Exploring World War 2 Planes and Battlefields

How much do you know about the World War 2 planes? Don't worry; we have everything you need about them in one place! When...

Here Are The 10 Best Benefits of Being a Veteran Tech

Veteran Tech - Learn more with Healthier Veterans Today! Veterans bring unique skills and experiences to the tech industry, making them valuable assets to...

7 Important Facts to Know About The Pit Viper Gun and Other Self Defense Pistols

Pit viper gun - Learn more with Healthier Veterans Today! We're excited to explore the world of self-defense handguns in today's thrilling blog post,...

Try These 6 Great Men S Journal Health Adventure Gear Style Tips!

Men S Journal Health Adventure Gear Style - Learn more with Healthier Veterans Today! The Men S Journal Health Adventure Gear Style blog is...

Veteran Tech: Top 9 Reasons Veterans Make Great Tech Employees!

Veteran Tech learn more with Healthier Veterans Today! The intersection of veterans and technology has been scrutinized in recent years by essential individuals such...

Latest news

Why Every Veteran Should Try a Yoga Workout After Service

Veterans don’t typically plan on hopping in for a quick yoga workout after just enduring what some would like...
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How Holiday Loneliness Really Affects Veterans

The holiday season is usually painted as this cheerful time filled with family get-togethers and festive fun. But for...

Posttraumatic Growth: How Veterans Can Thrive After Trauma

Trauma can completely change your life, but not always for the worst. Veterans who have experienced life-threatening situations during...

Must read

Why Every Veteran Should Try a Yoga Workout After Service

Veterans don’t typically plan on hopping in for a...

How Holiday Loneliness Really Affects Veterans

The holiday season is usually painted as this cheerful...
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